Seminario 3. Interdisciplinarità.
Caratteri della ricerca in progettazione architettonica. 

Convegno Nazionale dei Ricercatori Italiani macroset. 08/D1, sett. icar14-15-16. Stazione Rogers, Trieste, 10-11.05.2024. 
(curated by Venudo, A., Bisiani, T., Mei, P., Guarrera, F., De Marco, P.) 

organising committee

Grandi dimensioni. Sessione di ricerca: Expost. Il riciclo dell'evento, l'evento del riciclo, Mariacristina D'Oria.
Laboratorio di progettazione integrata dell'architettura e del costruito, RRR International Lab, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 06

| lecture

Back Off! Time as a cure for an injured territory
D’Oria, M., m2ft architects, 
Celje, Slovenia, 26.04.2024 | presentation to the municipality of Celje to evaluate possible scenarios for the future development of the area

TIME ARCHITECTURE. Or, how to deal with trauma in the posthuman era
, D’Oria, M., March - April 2024, 
Integrated Architecture and Built Environment Design Laboratory for the 2023-2024 degree course in Architecture, UniTs, Gorizia | teaching activities

Back Off! Time as a cure for an injured territory
D’Oria, M., m2ft architects, Celje, Slovenia, 26.04.2024 

Repensar la casa, transformar la ciudad. I Congreso Iberoamericano
de Vivienda Social Sostenible

19-21.03.2024, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
(curated by Borja Rodríguez, M.,
Guayaquil Sosa, H. (UNAM, México), D’Oria, M., Martín Blas, S., Martín Domínguez, G. (UPM, España)) | organisational and scientific committee

EXPOST. Il riciclo dell’evento, l’evento del riciclo
, D’Oria, M., 13.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, March - April 2024, Integrated Architecture and Built Environment Design Laboratory for the 2023-2024 degree course in Architecture, UniTs, Gorizia | teaching activities of ephemeral architecture

ARQVIS. Arquitectura de vivienda social en ocho ciudades iberoamericanas,
March2024, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, (curated by Borja Rodríguez, M., Guayaquil Sosa, H.
 (UNAM, México), D’Oria, M., Martín Blas, S., Martín Domínguez, G. (UPM, España)) 
| graphic design of the exhibition

Back Off! Time as a cure for an injured territory
, D’Oria, M., m2ft architects, 
07.03.2024, Vorarlberger Architecture Institute (vai), Dornbirn, Austria
| EUROPAN17 prize ceremony and exhibition

Domesticating Mourning. Between shifting ritualities and posthuman spaces to cultivate memory
, D’Oria, M., 04.05.2023, 
Centre for Death and Society, Bath, England
presentation at the CDAS Conference 2023 “Innovation at the End of Life”

Expost. Recycling the event, the event of recycling
, D’Oria, M., 17.01.2023
, Integrated Design Laboratory, Department of Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Triestelecture

Expost. Il riciclo dell’evento, l’evento del riciclo
, D’Oria, M., 19.11.2022, 
Caffè San Marco, Trieste, Italy | 
book presentation

MEAN TIME. Expiring Architecture, D’Oria, M., October 2022, UniTs, Trieste, Italy | doctoral thesis defense

Fisherman’s Foes. Cozze, alghe, turisti...
G. Corbellini, G. Croce, M. D’Oria, V. Rodani, 21.06.2022 – 22.06.2022, Isolario Venezia Sylva, (curated by Sara Marini), Badoer, aula Tafuri, Venezia | presentation

Time capsule Transcripts. An experimental taxonomy of forms
as a vehicle for a design operation
G. Croce, M. D'Oria, 28.03.2022 – 01.04.2022, CA2RE | CA2RE+ Conference | RECOMMENDATION, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment,
The Netherlands | exhibition & presentation

Geometries of TimeT. ter Weel, M. D'Oria, 24.09.2021, CA2RE | CA2RE+ Conference | REFORMULATION, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia | exhibition & presentation

Archrypt. The time capsule as a design-driven method
for the end times
, M. D'Oria, 
G. Croce and V. Rodani, 
24.09.2021 – 28.09.2021, CA2RE | CA2RE+ Conference | REFORMULATION, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia | 
exhibition & presentation

Geometries of Time
, M. D'Oria, T. ter Weel, 13.09.2021 – 15.09.2021, ECLAS Conference 2020, International Federation of Landscape Architects, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, Stazione Rogers, Trieste, Italy 
exhibition & presentation

Apocalipsis cum Figuris
, M. D'Oria, 
G. Croce, V. Rodani, Stazione Rogers, Trieste (Italy), August 3 - 16, 2020, Stazione Rogers, Trieste, Italy, August 5 - 8, 2020 in collaboration with S. Iuri and T. ter Weel, Rogers Campus, Ernesto Nathan Rogers Association in collaboration with the University of Trieste, Stazione Rogers, Trieste, Italy.| exhibition and performance

Scenes in America Deserta, M. D'Oria, Fondazione Ado Furlan, Pordenone (Italy), September 17 - October 18, 2019, Quaderni di Viaggio 7th Edition, Scholarship Giannino Furlan. The Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers, and Preservationists of the Province of Pordenone, Italy | exhibition